Subscribe to a Media Management Team

Elevate your advertising with a subscription to an expert media management team. Flexible monthly plans with no long-term commitments. Ideal for advertisers of any size working media agency partners and seeking growth.

Abintus Media Managers

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Empower Your Marketing Team

Is your agency really acting in your best interest?

At Abintus, we've audited media campaigns for advertisers of all sizes across the globe. Time and again, we see a stark divide in outcomes between those with internal media managers versus those flying blind.

When advertisers lack internal oversight, media agencies face conflicts of interest that lead to biased recommendations, lack of transparency, and failure to optimise your media investments.

Marketing Director
Marketing Director

Can your brand compete without a media team?

In a world where the biggest advertisers have in-house media experts managing millions in media spend, how can Challenger Brands like yours stand a chance?

The playing field is not just uneven; it's rigged. Without the luxury of a media management team, your brand faces a stark reality: an uphill battle against market leaders, armed with resources, expertise, and tools to maximise their return on advertising spend (ROAS).

David vs Goliath
David vs Goliath

Our subscription service levels the playing field

Introducing a game-changer for Challenger Brands: a monthly subscription service that brings the prowess of a full-scale, expert media management team directly to you.

This isn’t just support; it's access to the same calibre of strategic insight, operational oversight, and cutting-edge technology that the largest global advertisers keep in-house. 

Equip your brand with our media experts, analytics wizards, and the latest in media auditing tech.

Media Management Team Solution
Media Management Team Solution


Why Subscribe?

Expertise icon
Media Management Expertise

This service provides Challenger Brands with access to expertise they wouldn't normally be able to afford, putting them on par with larger companies.

Improved Efficiency icon
Improved Efficiency and ROI

Advertisers with dedicated media management see upwards of 25% more efficient investments, leading to better results.

Transparency and Accountability icon
Transparency and Accountability

Our service offers oversight of media agencies, ensuring transparency in pricing and optimising campaigns for maximum return.

Leadership icon
Dedicated Media Leadership

Each client is assigned a senior media leader, supported by a team of media consultants and data analysts, leveraging cutting-edge technology for media performance tracking.

Oversight icon
End-to-End Oversight

Our service covers not only all aspects of media management, from media planning to execution and analysis, but also full interaction with your media agency partners.

Efficiency icon
Reduced Costs

Subscribing to a media management team is significantly cheaper than hiring dedicated personnel.


What our clients say about us


Have Questions?

Most Frequent Questions:


Our Answers:

Absolutely, and here's why! Our service is like having a Swiss Army knife in a jungle of media buying and planning.

It's all about giving you the tools, insights, and expertise you need, minus the cost of hiring a full in-house team.

Think of it as your media management espresso shot — small, powerful, and exactly what you need to wake up your ROI.

Plus, with no long-term commitments, it's like dating without the awkward 'where is this going?' conversation.

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Media Auditing Services 2024

Our Answers:

Imagine Netflix, but instead of movies, you get a team of media gurus ready to elevate your brand's advertising game.

You pay a monthly fee — no hidden charges, no surprises.

It's straightforward, with the freedom to cancel anytime, though we're confident you'll want to stick around longer than your favorite TV series.

It's all the benefits of having an elite media team, with the flexibility your brand craves.

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Han Solo and Chewbacca

Our Answers:

Not at all! Think of us as the Robin to your Batman, the Chewbacca to your Han Solo.

We're here to support, not to take over.

You set the goals and the tone; we're just here to use our media superpowers to help you get there faster and more efficiently.

We're big on collaboration and transparency, so you're always in the driver's seat.

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Our Answers:

Yes, and here's the kicker — sometimes even more.

Our team is like a media management all-star band, each member handpicked for their expertise and experience.

We've got veterans from across the advertising spectrum, bringing diverse skills and insights that can be hard to find in a single in-house team.

It's like having your own Avengers team, but for media management.

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Our Answers:

Patience, young Padawan, great results take time.

But seriously, while instant gratification is great, impactful media strategy and execution are more of a slow burn.

You'll start seeing initial improvements pretty quickly as we optimise your campaigns and cut down on waste, but the real magic happens over time as we refine and iterate based on data and insights.

It's like planting a tree — the best time was 20 years ago, the second-best time is now.

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Ready to go ahead

Our Answers:

Absolutely, freedom is your right!

Just like you can swipe left on a bad dating app match, you can cancel your subscription with us any time you feel it's not working out — no hard feelings, no questions asked.

All we ask is for a 30-day notice, giving us just enough time to eat a tub of ice cream and get over the breakup.

We're here to make your life easier, not to lock you into something that doesn't spark joy.

So, test the waters, see how it feels, and know that you're always in control of your media destiny.

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Got More Questions?

We’re on hand to guide you. Dive straight in and book a free 30 mins consultation



We Cover Most of the Biggest Media Markets in the World

In addition to our in-house solutions delivery team, we have formal agreements with media consultancies across the world to support us in the delivery of our work



Abintus Co-Founders

We are a fast growing global media consultancy, headquartered in London, with employees working remotely from various markets worldwide.

Abintus was founded in 2018 by Philippe Dominois (formerly an Ebiquity Senior Executive) and Tatjana Slykova (formerly a Publicis Groupe Senior Executive).

Our team is composed of media experts, chartered accountants, data analysts and software engineers.

We're here to help advertisers reduce ad wastage and improve ROAS (Return On Advertising Spend) using media management services. 

We hope to hear from you soon!

Abintus CoFounders


Abintus CoFounders