Media Performance Analytics: Introduction to our Solution

Advertising Analytics

Aug 09, 2024 | Alberto Mezzalira

Media Performance Analytics: Introduction to our Solution

Brands are constantly searching for innovative ways to optimise their advertising efforts and reach their target audience more effectively.

At Abintus, we've developed a powerful solution that's revolutionising the way advertisers measure, analyse, and optimise their marketing efforts: Media Performance Analytics.

This comprehensive approach provides advertisers with deep insights into how their ads perform across different platforms.

Understanding Media Analytics

Media Performance Analytics, at its core, is a comprehensive solution that collects, processes, and presents advertising media data to deliver actionable insights on a brand's media performance.

It empowers advertisers to identify potential issues and take corrective actions in near real-time, maximising advertising effectiveness.

Our process involves rigorous data management – collecting data from various sources, ensuring its quality through cleansing and sense-checking, aligning it against media flowcharts and post-buy reports, and harmonising the data with a common naming convention.

The result is an enriched data set that serves as the foundation for impactful, data-driven decisions.

We bring this data to life through interactive dashboards, visually translating complex information into an intuitive, easy-to-understand format.

Advertisers can then access a wealth of information about their advertising investments, including expenditure patterns, allocation across different media, and the efficiency of their media buying.


Key Components of Media Analytics:

1/ Multi-channel tracking:

  • Monitors ad performance across various platforms, including social media, search engines, display networks, and traditional media.

2/ Audience Segmentation:

  • By aligning target audiences across multiple brands and markets, advertisers can gain actionable insights. Establishing a standardised approach to defining target audiences allows advertisers to assess whether they are aiming at the right prospects. 

3/ Near Real-time reporting:

  • Provides up-to-the-minute insights on campaign performance, allowing for quick adjustments and optimisations.

How It Benefits Advertisers?

Improved ROI and Media Efficiency:

  • Our solution helps advertisers maximise their return on investment by providing detailed insights into which channels, ad formats, and messages are performing best.
  • This data-driven approach ensures that marketing spend is directed towards the most profitable channels and campaigns, ultimately leading to higher ROI and improved media efficiency. 

Near Real-Time Optimisation:

  • With real-time reporting capabilities, our Media Performance Analytics enables advertisers to make data-driven decisions on the fly.
  • If a particular  campaign or channel is underperforming, advertisers can quickly reallocate resources or adjust their strategy to improve results.
  • This agility is crucial in the current digital landscape, where consumer behaviour and market trends can change rapidly. 

Media Transparency and Accountability:

  • Our solution provides complete transparency over media spending, contract compliance, media agency management, and creative assets management.
  • This level of visibility fosters accountability within media agencies, ensuring commitments made during pitches are upheld, leading to a trustworthy and constructive agency-client relationship.

Cross-Comparison and Benchmarking:

  • Abintus' Media Performance Analytics extends its capabilities to central or global teams, facilitating cross-market and cross-brand comparisons.
  • This feature allows brands to assess their media performance in multiple markets and across all their products or brands.
  • Advertisers can also assess current performance against past performance, set targets, and agency commitments, enabling them to consistently refine their media strategies. 

Competitor and ROI Analysis:

  • Our solution also allows for external analysis, letting brands plug in competitor information for Share of Voice (SOV) calculations and Share of Market (SOM) analysis.
  • In addition, information such as competitors media mix, investment levels and spend seasonality can be integrated.
  • This competitive intelligence empowers brands to position themselves more effectively in the market. Furthermore, with the option to incorporate sales data, advertisers can calculate Return on Investment (ROI) or Return on Advertising Spend (ROAS), enabling them to quantify the financial impact of their media investments. 

Improved Cross-Channel Integration:

  • Many advertisers struggle to create cohesive multi-channel campaigns. Our Media Performance Analytics helps bridge this gap by providing a unified view of performance across all platforms.
  • This holistic approach enables advertisers to create more integrated, consistent campaigns that deliver a seamless user experience across multiple touchpoints.

Why Choose Us for Media Analytics?

While media agencies can offer similar solutions, the lack of independence may raise questions about impartiality and accuracy in reporting.

As an independent consultancy, Abintus provides a trustworthy, unbiased, and comprehensive view of media performance.

Our solution also captures  media inventory purchased directly by advertisers, providing a more holistic understanding of total media investments.

Working with us alleviates any concerns about trust and accuracy, ensuring advertisers can make informed decisions based on impartial and comprehensive insights.


Conclusion and Next Steps

The ability to track media performance in near real-time is a game-changer. Abintus' Media Performance Analytics has become an indispensable tool for challenger brands looking to stay competitive and maximise their marketing effectiveness.
This innovative solution also eliminates the need for traditional annual media audits. Instead of relying on retrospective analyses that provide only a snapshot of past performance, Abintus offers continuous, near real-time insights.

This ongoing approach ensures that brands can make timely adjustments to their media investments, optimising performance throughout the year rather than waiting for an annual review to identify areas for improvement.

By providing deep insights, enabling real-time optimisation, and facilitating data-driven decision-making, we empower advertisers to create more effective, efficient, and transparent advertising media campaigns.

As the advertising landscape becomes increasingly competitive, challenger brands are recognising the value of data-driven insights to gain an edge.

By offering a holistic view of media performance, our Media Performance Analytics solution empowers brands to stay ahead of the curve, making it an essential tool in the contemporary advertising toolkit.

Don't miss out on this game-changing solution. Book a demo with Abintus today  to experience the power of Media Performance Analytics and take your media strategies to the next level.

Your journey towards more efficient, effective, transparent, and insightful media performance starts today.


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About the Author

Alberto PortraitAlberto Mezzalira, senior media analyst at Abintus Consulting, brings 5 years of media and marketing expertise. By developing insightful dashboards and various analytics solutions, Alberto helps clients getting full understanding of their media performance, facilitating data-driven decision-making.

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