3 Things to Consider When Choosing a Media Consultant

Media Transformation

Oct 18, 2023 | Philippe Dominois

3 Things to Consider When Choosing a Media Consultant

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of advertising media, the role of Media Consultants is absolutely essential. As a brand with ambitious goals, navigating through the complex landscape of media agency pitches and performance evaluations can feel overwhelming. However, with the guidance of a skilled Media Consultancy, you can make sure that every advertising decision you make is not only strategic and effective, but also driven by value.

A Media Consultancy is an agency who possesses expert knowledge and experience in the field of effective media management. They understand the intricacies of media agency contracts and can help you navigate through the potential pitfalls and discrepancies that may arise. They can assist advertisers in selecting and appointing the best possible media agency partners. They can provide you with tools, processes, valuable insights and advice, ensuring that you make informed decisions that align with your brand's goals and objectives.

However, with the multitude of potential partners to choose from, it may be challenging for global advertisers to determine the ideal media consultant partner for their organisation. Let me introduce you 3 key things you need to consider when looking to appoint a media consultant.

1. Local vs. Global

When selecting a media consultant, one of the primary considerations is geographical consistency. The dilemma often revolves around whether to opt for different media consultants for each market or to choose a single consultant for all markets.

Pros of Multiple Consultants:

  • Expertise in Local Markets: By choosing different consultants for each market, you can harness the expertise of the best consultant specific to that region.

Cons of Multiple Consultants:

  • Lack of Consistency: Different consultants mean varied reporting styles, deliverables, and insights. This inconsistency can make cross-market comparisons challenging and potentially hinder a unified strategy.

2. Niche vs. Holistic

Another crucial aspect to ponder upon is whether to engage a holistic media consultant who covers the entire spectrum of media management or to go for niche consultants, each specializing in a specific domain.

Pros of Niche Consultants:

  • Specialized Expertise: By choosing different consultants for areas like media auditing, financial auditing, pitch management, and so on, you can ensure that you're working with the best in each field.

Cons of Niche Consultants:

  • Lack of Synergy: Engaging multiple consultants can lead to siloed efforts, with each consultant working in isolation. This can result in conflicting insights and strategies, potentially hampering overall media performance.

Benefits of a Holistic Consultant:

  • Unified Approach: A holistic consultant provides a comprehensive view of your media performance. Just as a single advertising agency handling creative, media, research, and production ensures seamless integration, a holistic media consultant ensures that insights across various domains are cross-shared for better outcomes.

3. Agency-Centric vs. Dual-Focus

The final consideration is the consultant's focus. Some media consultants might direct their attention solely towards the advertiser's media agencies. In contrast, others adopt a more balanced approach, focusing on both the advertiser and their media agencies.

Balanced Approach Benefits:

  • Two to Tango: A media consultant that evaluates both the advertiser and the media agency ensures a more comprehensive assessment. It's essential to understand that both parties play a pivotal role in the media performance's success. By examining both sides, the consultant can provide insights that are more in-depth and actionable.


In conclusion, choosing the right media consultant is a decision that requires careful consideration of various factors. By weighing the pros and cons of each aspect, advertisers can make an informed choice that aligns with their objectives and ensures optimal media performance.

Additionally, take into account the consultant's track record of success. Look for testimonials or case studies that demonstrate their ability to deliver results. A consultant with a proven track record of driving revenue growth and increasing brand visibility will be a valuable asset to your advertising strategy.

Furthermore, consider the consultant's communication style and approach. Effective communication is essential in any business relationship, and your media consultant should be able to clearly articulate their strategies and recommendations. Look for a consultant who is proactive, responsive, and collaborative, as they will be more likely to work closely with your team to achieve your advertising goals.

Lastly, don't forget to consider the consultant's pricing structure. While cost should not be the sole determining factor, it is important to ensure that the consultant's fees align with your budget and expected return on investment. Look for a consultant who offers transparent pricing and is willing to work within your financial constraints.

Media Auditing Guide: Click Here

Media Agency Pitch Management Guide: Click Here


Author Expertise and Experience:

Philippe Dominois is co-founder and CEO of Abintus Consulting, and Head Coach at the Abintus Academy. He has over 25 years of international media experience, having worked on the media agency side, client side, and media auditing side throughout his career. Philippe has authored hundreds of articles over the years that focus on media management best practices.

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